Makeup und Charme Blog Montag Umfrage, Vol. 316

have a beautiful day.

Sie fragen sich vielleicht, “Also, was zum Teufel ist dieses Montagabfrage trotzdem?”

Nun, es ist nicht viel Umfrage. Es ist viel mehr nur ein kontinuierlich sich entwickelndes (Abweichung?), Etwas zufällige Liste der Fragen, die ich je nach Montagmorgen in den letzten sieben Jahren an Leser angelegt habe. Ich freue mich schon immer daran, Ihre Antworten in den Kommentaren zu lesen, und ich hoffe, Sie freuen uns, meine zu lesen.

Do you stretch?
Not nearly enough. I think I’d do it much more often if I were naturally flexible, but I can’t even touch my toes.

Are you currently enrolled in any classes or training for anything?
Nope, although I’d really like to take a martial arts class this summer.

I’ve been saying that FOR YEARS, but I really want to make it happen this year.

Puppies or kittens?
Ja bitte. Unfortunately, because of my employment contract with Tabs the cat industries LLC, I’m contractually obligated to say, “Kittens, all day, every day!”

Do you have any cat-themed makeup?
Natürlich! When Paul & Joe did their cat collection, I went a little crazy…


Do you think you’d make a good ninja?
I think I’d make an sufficient ninja as long as I didn’t have to beat anybody up. If I were only required to slink around while wearing all-black outfits, then heck, yeah.

What’s your least used makeup brush?
I don’t remember the name, but I can describe the shape (I have one by Sonia Kashuk and one from NARS). It’s an eyeshadow brush with an angled, wedge-shaped head. I only use it when all of my other eye brushes are dirty.

Are you much more cute or sultry?
Oh, gawd, certainly much more cute. I’m so not sultry… My friend Jen’s the sultry one.

Have you ever worked a job where you received tips?
I have, actually. I played flute in a handful of church performances back in high school that my band teacher arranged. He was a professional musician on the side and booked me for gigs he wasn’t able to make.

Who wants to run a cat cafe!?
Ich tue! Ich tue!

Have you ever won a medal or trophy for something?
Yes, but they were always, like, trophies for participating. I got some for band things and piano recitals.

BONUS: Do you have any stuffed animals or dolls from your childhood?
Yup, Charmie the bunny still lives with me, but many of my stuffed animals live with my parents. My mother is always threatening to get rid of them, but she never has (thank you, Mom!).

Jetzt bist du dran. Kopieren Sie einfach die folgenden Fragen in einen Kommentar mit Ihren Antworten. Ich freue mich darauf, sie zu lesen!

1. Do you stretch?
2. Are you currently enrolled in any classes or training for anything?
3. Puppies or kittens?
4. Do you have any cat-themed makeup?
5. Do you think you’d make a good ninja?
6. What’s your least used makeup brush?
7. Are you much more cute or sultry?
8. have you ever worked a job where you received tips?
9. who wants to run a cat cafe!?
10. have you ever won a medal or trophy for something?
11. BONUS: Do you have any stuffed animals or dolls from your childhood?


Ihre freundliche Nachbarschaftszusatzsüchtige,


P. S What’s the most essential thing to you personally today? Whatever it is, do some of that.

Published by uooxa

Categories: Uncategorized

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