Seducing You away from the world of minimal Makeup, One Fallout-Free sweep at a Time, the new Laura Mercier Sensual Reflections Satin Matte Eye Colours

wearing Laura Mercier’s Satin Matte Eye Colours in Gold Seduction and Plum allure from the new fall 2014 Sensual Reflections collection
Seriously, if there’s anything capable of seducing me away from the world of single cream Eyeshadows applied With a Finger (also known as My current love affair With 5-Minute Makeup, also known as Mr. minimal Eye makeup for Summer), and back to the Land of four shadows All Up in Yo’ Crease, it’s going to be these Laura Mercier Satin Matte Eye Colours ($24 each).

From the left, that’s Satin Matte Eye Colours in tempting Green, Gold Seduction, Sensual Pink and Plum Allure
These should carry a warning that says, “Do not operate heavy machinery while wearing these or gaze too long at your own reflection; otherwise, you might totally forget to eat!”


OK…we all know that’ll never happen (because this girlfriend is HONGRAY), but if I were to ever forget my lunch, you’d be wise to suspect this eyeshadow’s impeccable formula.

Also wearing Laura Mercier’s Cheek Mélange in Sensual Reflections on my cheeks and theBalm read My Lips Lip Gloss in snap on my lips
New and limited edition, these $24 Satin Matte Eye Colours are part of the new Sensual Reflections fall collection, which is all about smoldering, seductive eyes in shades of gold, plum, green and pink, and I don’t recall ever seeing anything quite like these in Laura’s line before.

The formula is D-O-P-E! feeling almost like a cream, but one that doesn’t feel wet, these powder eyeshadows don’t feel as grainy as many other powder shadows do to me, nor do they exhibit the same fallout I typically notice.


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$ 42.

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They’re almost like a gel, but not quite.

If you’re familiar with the MAC extra dimension Eyeshadows, I think these are similarly easy to blend and also packed with pigment, but the shine is more nuanced (and, yay! — forgiving) on the lids.

Seven pieces from the Laura Mercier Sensual Reflections fall collection
And then there’s the wear time and lack of fallout. once you get them on your lids (with the help of a good primer), they stay put. No fading, no budging, no creasing — none of that business — all day long.

To make a long story short (or a short story long, depending on your P.O.V.), these are easy like Sunday mornings and last a really long time. No need for touch-ups.

The colors are also surprisingly complex. Each one has something to set it apart — some special twist or flash of color, and when I’m wearing them and blink or turn my head a certain way, there it is. It makes them seem more special than run-of-the-mill flat, monochromatic colors.

Satin Matte Eye Colour in Gold Seduction
Gold Seduction: Ah… this one is SO my jam and a must-have for gals and guys with warm skin tones. A deep brassy, bronzed gold (almost like MAC Powersurge Eye Kohl in eyeshadow form), it glows when it catches the light just right. It also manages to do this without aiming a bullhorn that says, “This way to Karen’s fine lines!!!”

I’m thinking about grabbing a spare (or two or 12).

Wear it on your lids with a warm matte orangey bronze in the crease, and you’ll feel like you’ve arrived in eye makeup heaven (*cue angels singing!*).

Satin Matte Eye Colour in Plum Allure

Plum Allure: OMGCANTBREATHEGORGEOUS! This rich, plummy bronze has little flashes of copper running through it.

Reminds me a lot of BECCA Cabrera, an old eyeliner I have stockpiled in a drawer.

(I’m so not kidding… I have about eight sticks.)

Plum allure has that same plummy, bronzy complexity, and I think it looks wonderful in the outer V with Gold Seduction on the lids, or smudged along the lash lines by itself.

If you have hazel, brown or blue eyes, please, PLEASE give Plum allure a try. I have a strong feeling it’ll rock.

P. S try it beneath Chanel’s new Moon illusion D’Ombre cream shadow, if you happen to have it around.

Satin Matte Eye Colour in tempting Green
Tempting Green: So pretty! If you like green smokey eyes in rich jewel tones, get on tempting green as soon as humanly possible. It’s an intense forrest green with a hint of blackened charcoal.

Layering it on top of a gunmetal cream shadow like Laura Mercier’s Caviar Stick Eye Colour in Smoke brings out the charcoal notes and makes it look almost like a blackened jade.

Satin Matte Eye Colour in Sensual Pink
Sensual Pink: I think this one is a tad averse to swatches. I like it much better on lids.

When buffed into the inner corners and along the brow bone with a domed eyeshadow brush, this opalescent peachy beige pearl creates an understated spotlight effect.

It’s a very Chanel-esque shade.

Swatches from the left in Gold Seduction, Plum Allure, tempting green and Sensual Pink
And with all of these, there’s the packaging. I love das klare Top, weil Sie die Farben sofort sehen können, und der Kunststoff fühlt sich stabil an.

Ich denke nicht wirklich an etwas, an das ich an diesen Lidschatten nicht mag, außer der Tatsache, dass sie nicht der dauerhaften Linie beitreten.

Nun ja. Wie sie sagen, DE Français (irgendwie), seufz.

Da diese limitierte Auflage sind, wenn eines von ihnen das Auge fängt, verzögern Sie nicht. Behalten Sie ein Auge für sie in Ihrem örtlichen Laura-Mercier Counter und online bei, wenn sie Ende Juli / Anfang August ankommen.

Preis: $ 24 für eine 0,08-Unzen-Pfanne
Verfügbarkeit: Ende Juli / Anfang August; limitierte Auflage, beschränkte Auflage
Makeup und Schönheit Blog Bewertung: A +

’80er Mode am Feinsten

Abgesehen von den Reruns der goldenen Mädchen, die niemals alte, Herrschaft, Trotz und Belastung (und wahrscheinlich etwas anderes vergessen, vergiss ich, lol!), Es gibt absolut nichts – nichts – im Fernsehen jetzt.

Also habe ich in letzter Zeit viel Netflix gesehen, und letzte Nacht habe ich angefangen, diesen superkäsischen “80er-Teenager-High-School-Film anzusehen, denn ich kann mich nicht kaufen, mit einem sehr jungen Patrick-Dempsey.

Es ist außerhalb von Cornball (käsiger Charakterentwicklung und -dialog, auf Par mit einem C + Lifetime-Film), aber ich konnte nicht aufhören, es zu beobachten, weil die Mode total auf dem Punkt ist. Der Film ist von 1987, der als ich in der Mittelschule war, und die großen Haare, die übergroßen Blazer … Ich habe alles getan!

Ich hatte sogar den gleichen übergroßen ESPRIT-Pullover, ein der Hauptfiguren trägt früh im Film (dieses hier).

ALTER! Sie verstehen nicht. Ich habe diesen Pullover so sehr geliebt, dass ich es am Tag des Seventh-Grade-Ports trug.

Nächstes Mal, wenn ich meine Eltern anschaue, werde ich danach sehnen, und wenn ich es finden kann, glauben Sie besser, dass ich dieses Ding träge, um Joe’s zu träumen.


Viva la ’80s!

Ihre freundliche Nachbarschafts-Schönheits-Süchtiger,


Published by uooxa

Categories: Uncategorized

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